
Zoom whitening before and after photos
Zoom whitening before and after photos

zoom whitening before and after photos

Just went to see Majesty and got 8 shades whiter! Majesty explained everything. Beautiful, sparkling clean office, friendly caring service- everyone should hurry and get their teeth whitened here right now! - Andi C. Can't beat the time (15 minutes!), the price, and results. So pleased with the IMMEDIATE results! I will never go back to yucky home strips again. I highly recommend this process! You will not be disappointed and all you have to lose is yellow teeth! - Kelly J. I decided to do a second round just to get the extra white look I wanted and again no issues. I have to say.I have had ZERO issues from the process. She was knowledgeable about the whole process and made you feel at ease. Majesty felt like Smile Labs would work so I gave it a try! She was super careful in helping apply the whitening gel to make sure none got on my gums just to be extra careful. Majesty is top notch in customer service! I was leery of the process because I have super sensitive teeth, to the point even basic whitening toothpaste bothers me. The place was super clean and beautifully decorated! I would highly recommend this place! - Dana E. Majesty did an awesome job on whitening my teeth! I only chose the single session because I have sensitive teeth, and I was still happy with the results! I plan to go back in 6 months to maintain their pearly white appearance. Five stars all the way! Professional, comfortable, pain free, lovely office, great staff, and fantastic results. Majesty was able to get them several shades whiter with just one treatment! Next time I'm going in for the 2 back to back treatments. I would recommend Majesty and Tallahassee SmileLabs to anyone! My teeth are fairly white already. Let me tell you, I got the same great results as the Zoom, but with NO PAIN whatsoever, and a 1/4 of the cost.

zoom whitening before and after photos

I also had Zoom Whitening years ago that was brutally painful, however did yield good results. I cannot use Crest Whitestrips, because they make my gums and teeth sore after just one 30 min strip. Attention sensitive teeth folks: I had my teeth whitened by Majesty at Tallahassee SmileLabs last month.

Zoom whitening before and after photos